How To Apply For PhD in Canada

How To Apply For PhD in Canada

There are hundreds of world-class universities to study for a Ph.D. in Canada. Most of them offer postgraduate programs that are recognized around the world. If one wants to study abroad, Canada is one of the world’s top destinations for a Ph.D.






Why Study in Canada?

There are many reasons that make Canada stand out as a top destination for international students. The first is the overwhelming beauty of the country. The second is the multicultural diversity of the country. Thirdly, Canada is home to nine (9) out of the two hundred (200) top universities in the world.

When it comes to post-graduate education, Canadian universities are known to offer a wealth of research opportunities. Over 30% of all research in the country is done in universities. This makes programs in Canada very exciting prospect because it comes with opportunities to explore diverse interests.

The following will be discussed in this article:

  • Duration of Ph.D. in Canada.
  • Cost of study of Ph.D. program in Canada.
  • Requirement for admission to PhD program in Canada.
  • How to apply for Canada PhD program.
  • Scholarship options and funding PhD program in Canada.
  • Research assistantship.

Duration of PhD in Canada

In order to complete PhD program in Canada, it takes between 4 to 6 years.

Cost Of Study In Canada

International students applying for PhD program in Canadian universities should expect to pay about twice what Canadian citizens are paying for the same program.

The exact school fee varies from one university to another. The tuition also depend on the type of program the applicant enrol in.

For example, the university of Manitoba charges about $10,106 for the first and second years of a PhD program as the cost of study. The University of British Columbia charges about $7,600.

Requirement For Admissions

Each of the different universities has special requirement; below is the general admission requirements for all PhD programs in Canada.

  • A good master’s degree certificate from a recognized university.
  • Proficiency proof in either French or English language depending on which language the chosen program is taught in.
  • A very good grade in graduate tests/exams like the Graduate Management Admission Test or Graduate Record Examination.
  • Exceptional students who graduated with first class bachelor’s degree can be fast-tracked into PhD program without need for master’s degree.

How to apply for PhD program in Canada

Although some schools may require additional steps, below are the general procedures of applying for PhD program in Canada:

  • The applicant should decide the program and the school of choice.
  • The candidate should visit the school website and search for a research topic and identify his or her supervisor for the given topic.
  • The applicant should contact the supervisor for a letter of recommendation that he or she will include in the university admission form.
  • The applicant can submit his or her own research topic if he or she do not want to do university approved research. The applicant should state clearly in the proposal why he or she wants to that particular one.
  • Apply online, including the necessary documents and paying the required fees.

The documents listed below might also be necessary when applying in some universities:

  • Letter of recommendation from at least two persons. The referees should be academics preferably.
  • The transcript was emailed by the applicant’s home university to the Canadian university.
  • A detailed CV.

Scholarship Options And Funding PhD Program In Canada.

There are many PhD scholarships available for international students in Canada. Most of these scholarship opportunities are based on academic merit.


One of the best places to pursue PhD program is Canadian universities. The Canadian university is not only famous for excellent research work, but also the certificate they offer is accepted everywhere in the world. The major difficulty in applying for scholarship in Canada is the high tuition; and many of the aspirant do not have all the requirements to be admitted.


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